Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Book versus Movie



I love to read a good book!  It seems like more than ever great books are being made into even greater movies!  It is nice to take a break every now and then and reward your kiddos with some down time.  When we finish a great classic, I love to watch the film if time permits.  So that I don’t feel entirely guilty, I like to have something for them to do.  Here is a great little graphic organizer that I came up with.  We will be using this one on Friday when we watch Stone Fox. I can’t wait to finish the book tomorrow.  Only 3 more chapters to go! 

If you would like your own copy head on over to my TPT store for your free copy!  Enjoy!!



  1. Thanks for sharing! This is great! I always think the book is better. :)
    Conversations in Literacy

  2. Thank you for sharing this! I rarely see a movie that I have enjoyed as much as the book.

    Your blog always makes me smile! =)

    Heather's Heart


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