February is creeping towards us at an alarming rate! I know it is hard to believe (especially in the Midwest where temps have reached almost 60 degrees!). It is time for pink, red, flowers and lace. It is time for candy conversation hearts and valentines. My students have always enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day- no matter what their age. For the past few years I have had them create their own Valentine’s Day Box to house the cards they exchange with each other on that special day. Last year I had the boxes on display in the morning and had my students fill out ballots to vote on the boxes. Then, while they were at their special class, I tallied the results and filled out an award for each student. Here are a few of the cute and clever boxes my students came up with last year.
About a week before Valentine’s Day, I send home my letter to parents that explains the project. Most students use a shoe box, but as you can see from the picture, some go a little larger! After purchasing some adorable hearts graphics and pretty valentine paper I have revamped my certificates for this year and have them available for purchase in my TPT store. Here’s an example of one:
My set includes 24 custom awards, 1 blank award to customize, class ballot forms, a letter to send home that describes the project and candy heart number cards to put on each box for voting. The set will be revised each year with the proper date. Check it out!
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